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  excessive cleansing can worsen acne. Dermis inflammation caused by harsh cleaning products creates an environment for acne growth. Instead, use non-irritating cleansers and exfoliators to remove dead skin without disrupting its natural protective barrier.

  Alcohol and acids: not always villains

  despite the fears of skin irritation, alcohol and acids play beneficial roles in skincare. They effectively clear away dead skin cells, leaving skin smoother. However, choose products with balanced concentrations to minimize potential irritation.

  Choosing the wrong cotton pads can harm your skin

  cheap makeup remover pads may contain impurities that can cause damage. Invest in reputable brands and avoid rough cotton pads to maintain skin health.

  Tepid water is not ideal for cleansing

  overly warm water can strip away natural oils, leaving skin prone to dryness. Instead, opt for water around 25 degrees Celsius to preserve the skin's protective barrier.

  Don't be afraid of moisturizer

  switching skincare products frequently does not improve skin health. Similar to nourishing your body with food, using a consistent moisturizer provides essential hydration.

  Indoor humidity is just as important

  skin hydration depends not only on moisturizers but also on the surrounding environment. Adding humidifiers or indoor plants to maintain optimal moisture levels can significantly improve skin appearance.

  Sunscreen: embrace the sun, protect the skin

  over-reliance on sunscreen prevents the body from synthesizing essential vitamin D. While sun protection is crucial, find a balance between avoidance and exposure to the health benefits of sunlight.

  Indulge in healthy fats

  avoiding sugar does not guarantee youthful skin. Essential fatty acids from healthy sources are vital for maintaining skin health. Moderation is key, and deprivation can lead to emotional distress and premature aging.

  Stress management: the real beauty secret

  stress has a profound impact on skin health. Instead of solely relying on skin care products, address the underlying causes of stress through relaxation techniques or seeking professional help.

  Secondhand smoke: more damaging than thought

  recent research suggests that secondhand smoke may cause more severe skin damage than direct smoke inhalation. Protecting oneself and others from tobacco smoke is crucial for maintaining healthy skin.
